Saturday, June 26, 2010


My cousin is getting married today. It is so hard to believe. I'm not really sure why it is hard to believe. He is older than me, and definitely older than me when I got married. He is 22 and I was 18 when I got married, but I still can't believe it. We grew up together, lived right next door for most of our lives, and maybe this is how he felt when I got married.

The girl he is marrying is just wonderful! I am so happy that he found someone as great as her. And she is so sweet. My mom described her perfectly. When you first see her you think, "she is adorable" and the longer you are around her, the more adorable she gets. She is just so genuine and wonderful. And covered in tattoos. Haha.

The only thing that is going to be missing from the ceremony is Tyler. He was supposed to be a groomsman, but when he didn't pass his PT test and had to stay for three extra weeks in basic, we knew he wouldn't be back in time to be in the wedding. We were all upset but no one more so than Jake. He and Tyler have always been close and he just couldn't believe he wasn't going to be there. But we all understood. Plus, he will be there in spirit.

I am charging my camera now so that I have a full battery. I will try to take a lot of pictures to post some on here tonight. It is going to be a lake wedding and I can only imagine how beautiful it will be.

Congrats Jake and Carrie!! We love you!!!


  1. Ohhh girl - I hope it isn't too hot! :) Enjoy the wedding! ...I love weddings, they are so sweet. :) I was 20 when I got married...and we are going on three years now. Its amazing how time just slips right by you. :)

  2. it was INSANELY hot! i had my hair all fixed and it looked adorable and everything and i had to put it up before the ceremony even started to get it off my neck! it was crazy!! but i was so beautiful. i love weddings too! :)

    yeah i was 18 when i got married (i know i am insane haha) and next week we will have been married for 3 years. you are right about time flying. not only can i not believe we have been married for almost 3 years but i also can't believe i have a 2 year old son. CRAZY!!!
